영어 문제


✔️✔️✔️최고의 답변✔️✔️✔️

08. 누가 그 파티에 초대되었니? (6단어)

⇒ Who was/were invited to the party?

09. The ice cream was on the plates and popped rice

cakes were used as plates.

10. The cup can be recycled.

11-1. ⓐ built ⓑ made

11-2. was bought

11-3. My mom will give me a present.

⇒ I will be given a present by my mom.

⇒ A present will be given to me by my mom.

18. ③ a few

19. (wrap / not / our / we / gifts / agreed / to)

⇒ We agreed not to warp our gifts.

20. ⑤ were not wrapped

21. 장 가방을 부서진 우산으로 만들었다는 것이 독특하다.

22. trash island

23. ① 환경 오염

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