관계대명사 문법이 쓰인 부분 좀 찾아주세요

Once a year, you celebrate the day when you were born, it's your Everybody sings the Happy Birthday song with candles burning. When the song finishes, it's time for you to make a wish and blow out the candles. By the way, have you ever wonder why you blow out the candles on your birthday? A long time ago, people believed that their wishes could reach God better with smoke. Therefore, blowing out all the candles at once was the best way to make a wish. The greater the amount of smoke was, the better it was. To make a wish come true, people started to blow candles all at the same time on birthdays. Now, when you blow your candles on your birthday this year, take a deep breath and blow out all the candles at once to make the biggest smoke ever. Tell God your wish and make it special among all the other wishes you've make so far.

✔️✔️✔️최고의 답변✔️✔️✔️

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wishes (that) you've


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