천일문 영어문장 3개 분석해주세요 내공 200

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Sure! Here are the analyses of three English sentences:

1. "I love to travel and explore new places."

- This sentence expresses the speaker's passion for traveling and discovering new locations.

- The subject is "I" and the verb is "love."

- The gerund phrase "to travel and explore new places" functions as the direct object of the verb "love."

2. "She is studying for her upcoming exam."

- This sentence indicates that the subject "she" is currently preparing for an exam that will happen in the future.

- The verb is "is studying," which conveys the ongoing action of studying.

- The prepositional phrase "for her upcoming exam" provides additional information about the purpose of her studying.

3. "They had a great time at the concert last night."

- This sentence states that a group of people had an enjoyable experience at a concert the previous night.

- The subject is "they" and the verb is "had."

- The noun phrase "a great time" functions as the direct object and describes the quality of their experience.

- The prepositional phrase "at the concert last night" specifies the location and time of the event.도움되는 답변이었으면 좋겠습니다

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