관계부사 질문

관계부사 쓸 때 꼭 선행사 뒤에 쉼표 찍어야 하나요?
They went to Thailand, where they had unforgettable memories.
They went to beutiful forests where they rode and elephant.
Even though it was late October, when it was not hot enough, it didn't~

이런 문장에서 선행사 뒤에 콤마가 꼭필요한가요? 마지막 예문은 선생님께서 콤마를 강조하셨는데 저 예문만 그런지 모르겠네요..

✔️✔️✔️최고의 답변✔️✔️✔️

관계 대명사 든 관계부사든 고유명사 다음에는 컴마를 넣어서 계속 적용법으로 사용하는 것이 적절합니다.

They went to Thailand, where they had unforgettable memories.

They went to beutiful forests where they rode and elephant.

Even though it was late October, when it was not hot enough, it didn't~

대문자 대문자.

질문과 답변을 친구들과 공유하세요.