to부정사 질문이요

We generally think of television as a way (to relax, tune out and escape from our troubles for a bit each day.)

a way to relax, tune out and escape••• 해석이 ’휴식하고, 관심을 끄고, ~탈출하는 하나의 방법으로 생각한다.‘라는데 그럼 저 to가 형용사적 용법으로 쓰여서 a way를 꾸며주고 있는건가여??

✔️✔️✔️최고의 답변✔️✔️✔️


We generally think of television as a way (for us) (to relax, tune out and escape from our troubles for a bit each day.)

주어(we) 와 같으니까 의미상의 주어 생략

We generally think of television as a way in which we can relax, tune out and escape from our troubles for a bit each day.)

질문과 답변을 친구들과 공유하세요.