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종류도 궁금해요

✔️✔️✔️최고의 답변✔️✔️✔️

말벌이 아니라 쌍살벌 입니다.쌍살벌 https://www.google.com/search?kgmid=/m/027hsf&hl=ko-KR&q=%EC%8C%8D%EC%82%B4%EB%B2%8C&kgs=2c59c25d428bafbb&shndl=17&source=sh/x/kp/osrp/m5/4

Paper wasp

Paper wasps are vespid wasps that gather fibers from dead wood and plant stems, which they mix with saliva, and use to construct nests made of gray or brown papery material. Some types of paper wasps are also sometimes called umbrella wasps, due to the distinctive design of their nests.


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